Testimonies and Praise Reports

Total Deliverance from Demonic Possession and Oppression

"In 2000 we started attending Bread of Life Ministries in El Paso, TX. When we met Bishop Emma Omon, I was demon-possessed and the Lord used bishop Emma Omon in a great way. He prayed for me and cast the demon out, and I have been Delivered ever since. It has been 9 years and I am still free from possession, Oppression, and now living for Christ. I just want to thank the Lord for Bishop Emma Omon."

- Angie Garcia, Clovis, NM

Total Restoration!

"I want to thank God for using Bishop Emma Omon's ministry to restore my family. Before we joined this church we had suffered so many tragic losses and it all happened in quick succession. We lost a ship in the sea, we lost a son, we lost an expensive car (A jeep), and our businesses and finances collapsed.

Some time ago the Bishop visited our home and prayed for my family. He put my husband and me on a three-day fast and after the fast, he prayed for the restoration of our businesses and finances. The day Bishop visited our home he saw a building project we had halted at the ground level due to lack of funds and he prayed over the project and prophesied that we’ll soon resume work on the project and that God will grant us grace to finish it. I want to testify that as I speak now, God has restored everything. God has restored our ship, blessed us with another son, and work has resumed at our building project and it is now at the decking level. We thank God for leading us to The The Radiant Church and are grateful to God for his mercies."

- Mrs J. D

Divine Favour and Promotion!

"I want to testify to the goodness of God in my life. For many years I’ve been working in a company where I was not adequately rewarded. Recently I felt it was time to ask for what should be mine so I walked straight to my boss with a request that the company should buy me a car and he accepted and today I have the car. But more than that, the company also decided to reward me with a promotion which has lifted me into an exalted office in the company. I am grateful to God for smiling at me!"

- Sis. L. I

Healed of Knee problem!

"God has healed me of an affliction I’ve had on my right knee for some time now. I received my healing on the opening night of the Rejoice program! Before the healing, I couldn’t climb stairs, walk or run without feeling serious pain but now I can walk, climb and run normally and there are no more pains. Praise God!"

- Bro. A. A

Marriage Restored!

"I want to thank God for restoring my marriage which has been in disarray for the past three years. The miracle happened during the easter festival of praise and miracles. That night when the Bishop was ministering, the power of God came mightily on me. The Bishop ministered to me and I received my deliverance from wicked forces that were at the root of the crisis in my life and family. I remember the Bishop saying to me that night that the crisis was over. I want to testify that my marriage is now restored and there is peace and harmony in my home again. Thank you, Lord!"

- Sis C. K

Healed Of Deafness!

"I want to thank the Lord for healing me of deafness in my right ear. I’ve been deaf in my right ear for some years. But during the healing service as the Bishop was praying the power of God came on me and I felt something leave my right ear that was deaf after that, I discovered I could hear clearly with my two ears. Praise the Lord!"

-  Bro S. A

Swollen Feet Healed!

"I woke up one morning and found that my two feet were swollen and full of pain. I went for a medical check-up and several tests were conducted on me but I was told all my vital organs that can cause such symptoms were in good condition and they couldn’t tell why the legs were swollen. The following Sunday when the service closed I showed the legs to Daddy (Bishop) and he prayed for me and said it was an attack of the devil. A few days after Bishop prayed for me I discovered I was healed, my legs returned to normal and the pains also disappeared. Praise God!"

- Sis B.E

Job Restored!

"I went to work on a normal day as usual but when I got to work I was given a letter saying that my job had been terminated. I came home praising God and I reminded God that this month has been declared in church as our month of Total Recovery. And our Bishop has declared that we shall recover all that the enemy has stolen from us. So I stood on that promise. To the glory of God, the following day I received a call from my office saying they are sorry for the termination letter that was given to me yesterday that I should please come back to work and that the letter was a mistake. Praise God."

- Min. D. O

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